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Recommended OET Resources
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The Official Guide to OET 2nd Ed.
E-book and Paperback
This is one of the best resources I have found to help candidates obtain a thorough knowledge of the exam, particularly if they are unsure of the process.
The Official Guide to OET is the first guidebook endorsed by the test maker (CBLA) and is designed to prepare students for the updated OET exam. Kaplan Test Prep, the world leader in test preparation since 1938, has authored this book incorporating key test-taking tips and strategies. CBLA has reviewed the practice questions to ensure they are true to the test.
This book has test-like Listening tracks, realistic practice questions, and additional online resources that give you everything you need to succeed on the OET.
To access your audio and online resources, first register online at kaptest.com/booksonline. Once you’ve registered, access your audio and resources at kaptest.com/login or download the Kaplan Mobile Prep app on Google Play or the App Store for your Android or iOS device
It contains
1 full practice test
Online audio for Listening content
Skill-boosting activities for each of the subtests (Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking
Self-study tips
Speaking & Writing Skills Builder
The OET Speaking & Writing Skills Builder is a coursebook that uses a step-by-step approach to prepare candidates fully for the updated Occupational English Test (OET) in Nursing and Medicine.
It is well-reviewed, and people like its step-by-step approach to building the required skills to pass OET.
It familiarises the reader with the test format and criteria, as well as medical topics, grammatical structures, and lexis that typically appear in OET. It also includes case studies and role-play situations written together with medical experts so they do not feel fake...we have all seen those types of roleplays!!
This book also has a list of medical abbreviations and acronyms
OET Trainer Medicine - Six Practice Tests
Six practice tests for healthcare professionals preparing to take the OET (Occupational English Test).
This book is marketed towards medicine candidates, but it does have six listening and reading tests that were prepared by Cambridge University Press, which is affiliated with OET.
This book is perfect if you are studying by yourself or in a class. It includes six authentic practice tests covering the four papers: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
The first two tests are 'guided tests' with tips, advice and training activities to help build confidence and develop strategies for success.
The book includes a code that gives access to digital resources online: an eBook version of the printed book, audio for listening activities, audio transcripts and answer keys with explanations.
The audio can also be accessed quickly and easily from QR codes in the printed book.
Official OET Courses
Online Course
These are OET-developed self-paced online courses. They are official; therefore, you will not have any questionable information included that will confuse you.
I have had candidates do these courses and tell me that they are comprehensive and help you prepare for the test with detailed lessons covering the skills and strategies for each part of the test.
Everyone knows that there are limited official materials available. These courses give you more exposure to official material.
These courses are relevant for all professions and fully available online on all types of devices.
Each course is approximately 10 hours in length.